Road to the sun

Creatieve lensflare, brug over de couesnon,normandie

Road to the sun

Creatieve lensflare, brug over de couesnon,normandie

afbeelding van jphlazou


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Foto informatie

Categorie(ën): Reizen
Datum genomen: zondag, september 9, 2018 - 20:16
Datum geupload: zondag, augustus 25, 2019 - 21:56
Camera: NIKON D5200
Sluitertijd: 1/25
ISO: 200
Diafragma: f/9.0
Copyright: Lazou Jean-Philippe
FileDateTime: 0
FileSize: 290042
FileType: 2
MimeType: image/jpeg
SectionsFound: ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
Model: NIKON D5200
XResolution: 72/1
YResolution: 72/1
ResolutionUnit: 2
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7 (Windows)
DateTime: 2018:10:21 15:51:18
Artist: Lazou Jean-Philippe
YCbCrPositioning: 1
Copyright: Lazou Jean-Philippe
Exif_IFD_Pointer: 292
ExposureTime: 1/25
ExposureProgram: 1
ISOSpeedRatings: 200
ExifVersion: 0231
DateTimeOriginal: 2018:09:09 20:16:04
DateTimeDigitized: 2018:09:09 20:16:04
ApertureValue: 23673/3734
MeteringMode: 5
LightSource: 0
Flash: 0
FocalLength: 18/1
SubSecTimeOriginal: 50
SubSecTimeDigitized: 50
FlashPixVersion: 0100
ColorSpace: 65535
SensingMethod: 2
ExposureMode: 1
WhiteBalance: 0
DigitalZoomRatio: 1/1
SceneCaptureType: 0
GainControl: 0
Contrast: 0
Saturation: 0
Sharpness: 0
SubjectDistanceRange: 0